a fraction of

[ə ˈfrækʃən ɔv]
  • 释义
  • 一小部分;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The goods will be sold for a fraction of their value in order to discharge the debt.


  • 2、

    The car missed me by a fraction of an inch.


  • 3、

    The cost is only a fraction of his salary.


  • 4、

    However, experimentally one never detects a fraction of an electron; electrons behave as indivisible entities.

    然而, 实际上,从未探测出一个电子的一部分, 电子表现为一个不分的实体.

  • 5、

    Naturally, only a fraction of our huge investment was ever make public.

    自然, 我们巨额的投资中只有一小部分是公之于众的.

  • 6、

    There, a slight shift in a mirror of a fraction of a wavelength was fatal.

    在那里, 反射镜稍稍移动几分之一个波长都是致命的.

  • 7、

    Only a fraction of the A ions are in tetrahedral sites.


  • 8、

    He has done only a fraction of his homework.


  • 9、

    Ofcourse, in an introductory document we can only cover a fraction of the whole technology.

    当然, 在一篇介绍性文章中我们只能提及整个技术的一部分.

  • 10、

    They complain that moneylenders advance only a fraction of the item's value.


  • 11、

    Most people use only a fraction of their lung capacity for breathing.


  • 12、

    Even native speakers know only a fraction of these.


  • 13、

    Washing machines now do the job in a fraction of the time it once took.


  • 14、

    A fraction of the 26 miles he once ran in the Big Sur International Marathon.


  • 15、

    With a fraction of sympathy, we would reap double gratitude.

    我们付出一份同情心, 收获的将是双倍的感激.

  • 16、

    Every month a fraction of my allowance is spent on roses.


  • 17、

    Start enjoying luxury vacations at a fraction of the price other people pay!


  • 18、

    Only a fraction of the sculptures were on display at the museum.


  • 19、

    The soil absorbs only a fraction of the rain that beats down.


  • 20、

    Only a fraction of the chapter was covered in class today.


  • 21、

    In fact, winners collect only a fraction of the money lost by losers.

    上市公司向公众隐瞒真实的数据, 却不断撒谎,造成输家的钱流入赢家的口袋.

  • 22、

    There is not a fraction of truth in his statement.


  • 23、

    But PEMGroup bought only a fraction of the insurance it promised.


  • 24、

    It is visible when moving, and for a fraction of a second when firing.

    当移动时, 它是可见的,开火时也一样.

  • 25、

    Slip is more usually expressed as a fraction of rotating magnetic speed.


  • 26、

    Firewood is usually sold as a fraction of a full cord.

